Monday 10 December 2018

Culture Club Finale

Hi, it's Miriam here. Today I am going to tell you about our Culture Club Finale. This terms focus is Culture Club. Culture Club is when we learn about other people's culture like learning dances from that culture, creating art from that culture, doing plays about that culture, or just playing with people from another culture. For our Culture Club Finale we can ether go on our own or with a buddy. You have to choose a country and then do a report on it. We had to answer questions that we found on our class hub and put them into our presentation. This is mine and Sophies presentation on India. Me and Sophie did this together so we hope you enjoy!

Thursday 29 November 2018

Week 6 and 7 Word Work

Hi it's Miriam here. Today I am going to share with you my Word Work for Week 6 and 7. The learning behind our Word Work is reading an article on Kiwi Kids News, Dogo News or Tween Tribune and answering questions about that article in your own words.

An example question is: Who was the main person in this news article, when did this news article take place, why did the news article take place and rewrite this news article using your own words but those are just a few of the 12 questions you need to answer. Also along with all the questions you have to answer you have to do an activity about that news article the thing is, you have to do a different activity each week until you have done all of them then you can do the same one again. The activities are on a google that is on our class learner hub along with the questions we have to answer.

The activities are not art or drama activities they are activities that have you explain your learning, learn new words, write down what you think you know about the story, what you want to know about the story and what you learnt from the story as well as finding different articles in different categories with certain people in a certain place. Now I am going to show you my Week 6 and 7 Word Work. I hope you enjoy it.

My Word Work Helps Me With...

  • Rewriting sentences in my own words
  • Understanding what I am reading
  • Rereading  
  • Time management
  • Knowing what is going on in the world
  • Learning new things

Week 6 Word Work

Week 7 Word Work

Thursday 15 November 2018

Cafe Day

Hi, it's Miriam here. Today I am going to share with you some writing about our Cafe Day that we hosted a couple weeks ago for the elderly of Gisborne. The main reason that we had Cafe Day was because of our last terms focus Actions Speak Louder than Words. Actions Speak Louder than Words is instead of just saying something nice to somebody you would do something nice for them like bringing them a cup of coffee or helping them across the street, pushing their trolley/shopping cart in the supermarket so that they can get around much easier or getting something off the shelf. Even just something small like giving them a hug or pulling out a chair for them so that they can sit down can change someone's day from a bad one to a fantastic one. My learning from Cafe Day was that you can do anything you want if you just put your mind to it and not give up. So without further to do I will let you read my amazing writing about cafe day I hope you enjoy it:

Thursday 25 October 2018

Granville Island Vancouver, Canada

Hi again. Yesterday we went from Forks to Canada. When we got to Canada we did a little hike and dad fell over and tore some ligaments in his ankle. Today we got dad some crutches and athletic tape. After we did that we took a little boat to an island called  Granville Island  where there were lots of shops. We went to one place where it had lots of shops inside it. Me and Nathan walked around to all the shops and trying there taste testers. When it was time for lunch we walked around to see what our options were for lunch. I couldn't choose between a spanakopita or a bagel. Everybody else was getting bagels so I got the spanakopita. Dad took me to get the spanakopita while mum and Nathan waited in the log line fore there and dad's bagels. Then we went to Kids Market. After kids market we watched somebody blow glass. Then we went to a place and I got a gelato. The two flavors that I got were mango and raspberry. Over all it was an awesome day. 

Poem Inspired By James K Baxter

Hi, it's Miriam here. Today in my writing group we copied down our poems that we wrote last week that were inspired by James K Baxter a New Zealand poet that wrote the poem 'This Town'. When we wrote our poem inspired by James K Baxter we had to: Select a place where we want our poem to take place, pick 5 nouns related to the place, pick 5 strong verbs and then end it by saying "Doing nothing important." I hope that you like my poem I really enjoyed writing and reading the poem so I hope you do as well.

Thursday 27 September 2018


Hi, this is a video on how you use BEDMAS.
BEDMAS stands for: Brackets, Exponents, Division,
Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. But I better
not tell you any more before you watch the video. 

Sunday 2 September 2018

Hi again. Today I am going to teach you how to solve addition problems using tidy numbers greater than 100. I hope you enjoy the video.

The anserw is 
Thanks for watching. 

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Action Stations Day

Last Tuesday we had a Action Station Day and tidied up the school. A action station day is when we tidy up the school and go down to the beach and pick up rubbish. In our class there were three groups and one of the groups tidied up the school, another tidied up the PE shed and another went to room 9 to mulch. My group was on the PE shed and this is what the PE shed looked like before we tideyed it:

And this is what the PE shed looked like after we tideyed it.  

Saturday 4 August 2018

I had trouble posting from overseas so my dad compiled the rest of my vacation posts into this single one.

July 10 2018 - Science World Museum

Today, I went to the Kids Science Museum in Vancouver. We spent all day there until nearly eight pm. My favorite part was a movie about pandas. It was called pandas. The movie was about some people trying to save giant pandas all over the world. I also liked the Pixar exhibit which shows you how animated movies are made.  For lunch I had a hotdog and some lemonade.

July 11, 2018 - Suspension Bridge Park and Bike Ride in Stanley Park
Today we went to the Suspension Bridge Park and went on a bike ride in Stanley Park. My favourite part was when we got ice cream in Stanley Park. On the suspension bridge we walked on big bridges that went from tree to tree up high in the air. Me and Nathan filled out a worksheet and then got a clip to pin onto our shirts. I got a pin with ladybugs on it and Nathan of one with ants. Did you know that the USA uses the most water per day in the world, Canada uses the second most amount of water per day. They use twice the amount of water as Europe. Also did you know that only 1% of the water in the whole entire world is drinkable. We saw some rescue birds that are being rehabilitated to work on farms, to eat insects, chase mice and other rodents out of the farming area. We saw an owl named Lucy and two different types of falcons that we don't know the names of. We watched as they switched handlers and her massive, but elegant wings flapped, she became more 'talkative' and alert hoping for food, and started biting the gloves of the handlers.  The main suspension bridge connecting the two sides of the canyon was constructed so well that it could hold the equivalent weight  of 96 elephants and its length was the size of two 747 airplanes side by side from wingtip to wingtip. 

July 17

Hi again. Today we went on a 9 mile hike in Idaho called West Fork Peak.  At first we couldn't find the trail so I suggested that we go to the amusement park Silverwood today and do the hike tomorrow. But dad said that we were going to do the hike today. We decided to stop at a house and ask them if they knew where the trail was. While dad was talking to one of the men, me and mum were playing with the puppies and Grammy and Nathan were in the car. When we finally got to the hike it was an hour later than we wanted to of started it. When we were really close to the top of the hike me and mum heard a sort of growling noise we thought that it was a bear but it was actually a humming bird with a very low pitched hum that sound like a growl. The views from the top were amazing. On one side you could see the beautiful mountain range and on the other side you could see more beautiful mountains. Over all the views were worth the long hot walk up.

View from Top of West Fork Peak

Coeur d'Alene July 18

Hi. Today we went to an amusement park called Silverwood. The first ride that I did was with dad and Grammy it was called the Panic Plunge. The Panic Plunge is when they strap you into a seat and then they bring you up really high in the air and then all of a second they drop you straight down at a really high speed and your stomach gets left at the top of the ride. The second ride that we did was the was the Timber Terror.

25 July Boise Idaho (ID)

Today me Nathan and dad went on a float ride which is when you sit in a tube, a raft, a kayak or any floatable object and float down a stream or river and have the water take you down it. Dad and Nathan rented a two person kayak and I rented a tube. When we got on the river I couldn’t control where I was going so I kept floating away from Dad and Nathan. As soon as we got close to the first drop (which is a little drop in the water) Dad tied one end of the rope he had brought to my tube and the other one to the kayak. The drops look scary but they are not that bad. Before we left the person rented us the tube and the kayak said that when we get to a drop that we need to go in the middle of the river. So we went in the middle of the river and it was good that we did that because on right hand side there were sticks and stones but on the left we would of been fine but it’s always better safe then sorry. At some parts of the river it was really deep but in other parts it was really shallow (at one point it was so shallow that we had to drag our our floats behind us.) When we came to a bridge we saw teenage kids jumping of of it into the water. The water was about 50 degrees but outside the water it was over 100. When we got to the end we saw Mum standing on the bridge waiting. After we returned the rafts and changed out of our bathing suits we went to get ice cream at Ben and Jerrys. The ice cream that I got Chocolate Therapy with is: Chocolate ice cream with chocolate cookies and swirls of chocolate pudding ice cream. I also got Phish Food with is: Chocolate ice cream with gooey marshmallow  swirls, caramel swirls and fudge fish. After that Uncle CC (Uncle Christian) and Grandpa came over for dinner. Over all it was a fun day.   

July 26 Boise Idaho (ID)

Today we went on a white water rafting trip in Horseshoe Bend with Uncle CC (Uncle Christian). The original trip was canceled due to wild fires but the white water rafting people made up a new trip that was also a 5 hour rafting trip. Before we got into the water every group was assigned a rafting guide. When all the groups where with their rafting guides we got to chose the guide that we wanted to go with. The rafting guide that we chose was named Tanner. The first half of the trip was more like a float and there was only one class three rapid all the rest were twos and ones. After the first half we brought our rafts up onto a trailer and rode back bin a bus to the place where we started for lunch (the lunch was provided by the company and it was really good.) After lunch we drove up river to get to the next half on the rafting trip. The next half of the rafting trip was mostly class twos and threes. One of the the class two rapids was called Fluffy White Bunny Rabbits. One class there was called stay to the left or your fired and another class three rapid was called AMF (Adios My Friend.) I got to name one of the class two rapids and I named it The Summer of destiny. After the rafting trip we went out to dinner with Grandpa and Uncle CC (Uncle Christian). Over all it was a fun day.     

Sunday 22 July 2018

Vancouver to Coeur d'Alene

Thursday 12 July 2018
We went on a 7 mile hike called St. Marks Peak over Howe Sound. The walk was in the forest and we had to make lots of noise so that bears don't get surprised by us and try to attack. We made up three songs to the toon 'God Bless America'. This is the first song that we made up is this: God bless my underwear, my only pair, stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above, from the washer to the dryer to the clothesline bright with sun. God bless my underwear my only pair. The second one was about a banana slug that we saw along our walk: God bless banana slugs they are so cute, they are yellow, like jello, and when you cook them they taste like marshmallow. The next one we made up was about Nathan: God bless our Nathan bear my only bro stand beside him and guide him through the night with the light from above, from the shower to the towel to the iPad which he loves. God bless my Nathan bear my only bro.  When we got to the top the view was amazing--better than I expected it to be. On the way down, we stopped at a lookout. At the lookout we met some people who told us about a place called Honey and that it was famous for its donuts. So of course we went there.

Friday 13 July 2018
Today was a travel day. We went from Canada to Coeur d'Alene Idaho (the land of potatoes). Before we left that day we went to the place called Honey to get some donuts for the road. Mum ran in and got 3 chocolate, 2 glazed and 1 maple because Canada is known for its maple syrup. When we got close to the border line there was lots of traffic because lots of people were trying to cross the border as well. After we crossed the border line me and Nathan got to go on our iPads for a while. Then the roads got really windy so we stopped watching. We stopped at a lookout and then kept driving. Later that night at like 11pm Grammy's flight landed and dad brought her to the house, but we were already asleep.

Saturday 14 July 2018
We got to see Grammy! I woke up and Nathan kept asking Grammy when we could open the presents that she brought us. As soon as we were dressed she gave us the presents to unwrap--including our early birthday presents. Grammy gave me: an American Girl doll, which I named Meghan; a gymnastics leotard; some clothes; and a gymnastics leotard, tracksuit and shoes for Meghan (she also already comes with clothes on her). At about 11am we went downtown to a playground, a waterpark and the beach on a lake. We stopped to play at the waterpark and the playground so we walked around trying to find a place for lunch. For lunch, I had a all beef American hot dog and a wild berry smoothie (which was way to sweet for me.) That evening, we went to see a local production of Guys and Dolls. The main reason we went to see it was because Nathan Detroit was the main character in it and my brothers name is Nathan. When we were little, my Grandma Lybrook gave us a CD of the music from Guys and Dolls that we listened to everyday when Daddy drove us to school.

Sunday and Monday, 15-16 July 2018
We did bike rides on rail trails both days. The first day was around Lake Coeur d'Alene and the second day we road through Idaho and Montana on the Trail of the Hiawathas. My favourite one was around Lake Coeur d'Alene because we got ice-cream and got to swim in the lake. The type of ice-cream that I got was Huckleberry and Chocolate. (The two mixed together don't taste very pleasant but on their own they taste divine.)

Thursday 19 July 2018

Ozette Triangle July 7

Hi, today I am going to tell you about the hike that we did on today.  The today was called the Ozette Triangle. The Ozette triangle was a nine mile hike, three miles in the forest, three miles on the beach and three miles in the forest again. The hike was a easy hike it wasn't a rigorous hike, it was a nice slow easy hike. There were no up and downs it was all flat but by the end of it your legs were aching it was like they had been chopped off. The walk in the forest was very peaceful for the first five minutes and then we started talking about if we might see any wild animals and then that ruined the peacefulness of the forest. We did the three miles of the forest in about an hour and a half to two hours. When we got to the beach Nathan climbed a sea stack while me, mum and dad had our sandwiches. When Nathan got to the top dad put his sandwich down ( which was a bad idea) to take Nathan's photo from on top of the sea stack and a crow came and took dads sandwich. After that Nathan went up a second time and went down a different way and fell on his rear end but he didn't cry ( I have such a brave little brother don't I). When we were walking along the beach dad wanted us to take a photo of me, mum and Nathan with the sea in the background. After the photo I saw something move in the distance for a second I thought it was a black stone but then I realized it was a bear! We all thought that it was a cub but then I saw that it had baby bears! The cubs were so adorable! Then dad got his camera out and gave it to me so that I could zoom in on the cubs and the mama bear! When the mama bear and the cubs went into the long grass mum said this is our chance to get past. So we walked past making loud human noises and singing song that didn't sound anything like they were supposed to. As we walked past I looked over at the bears and the one of the cubs climbed half way up a tree and then slid back down again. When we got back into the forest part of the hike we past a lot of camp sites and people coming to camp over night. After the hike we went out to a camp ground and got ice cream. Over all it was a very interesting and tiring hike.


Cape Flattery and Macaw July 6

Hola, it's me again. I am going to tell you about what I did today. Today me and my family went on a
walk in Neah Bay which is 
the most northwestern part of the USA. When we got there, me and Nathan had to go to the toilet.
When I opened the door to the 
women's bathroom it was disgusting, absolutely awful. So I held it
in for the walk. Before we started the walk there was this 
information board that had lots of information about the walk on it. There were also sticks that the
park rangers had found and they decorated it with string and made it so that you can use them on
the walk for free. Or you can pay five dollars or more to keep the 
stick. On the way to the end of the trail, me and Nathan sang Christmas songs. When we got to a
lookout we saw a type of rare bird called Murres that nest in the cliffs. When we got to the top
we saw an island with a lighthouse on it. Apparently somebody stole the light from inside the
lighthouse so they had to buy a new light. The walk was on the Macaw Indian Reservation. After
the hike we went to their Native American museum and learned about there history. Over all it was a
fun day. 

Saturday 7 July 2018

Hoh Rainforest

Hi it's me again, I am going to tell you about what I did yesterday. Yesterday, we went to the Olympic National Rainforest. We did a couple of hikes, well they weren't really hikes, they were more like walks. We didn't do a hard hike because we needed to have a rest from the past two days of nonstop hiking. The three hikes that we did were: (1) 'The Hall of Mosses' (2) 'Ruby Beach' and (3) 'Kalaloch Beach'. Before we went on the first walk, we attended a ranger program and learned about Elk. On 'The Hall of Mosses' walk, we picked wild blueberries, wild salmonberries, wild huckleberries and wild blackberries. The Hall of Mosses had moss all over the trees. The second walk was Ruby Beach. It had huge sea stacks, tide pools with sea stars, sea anemones and mussels in them. Me, mum, Nathan and dad tried to make a bridge across a little stream on the beach. The third beach was Kalaloch Beach and we sat on the rocks and did our junior ranger booklets. Just before we were going to leave we saw a seal's head pop out from underneath the water. Then we went on a 2 minute walk to see the largest Cedar Tree in the world. Over all, it was a nice relaxing day. See you next time.

    Me on a Sea Stack                                    A Salmonberry                                    Biggest Cedar Tree


Sunrise Point

Hi there, I am about to tell you about the hike that I did two days ago. The hike two days ago was at the Olympic National Park near Port Angeles in Washington State, America. The name of the hike was the Switchback Trail to Kalhane Ridge and Sunrise Point. It was a magical experience for me. First we walked up the steep Switchback Trail to the mountain ridge. When we got to the ridge line some mountain goats followed us along the trail. The ridge line trail was very narrow and steep, so we had to walk single file. Then we walked along the ridge toward Sunrise Point. There were beautiful wildflowers all different colours such as pink, orange, yellow, violet, indigo, red, blue, purple, soft pink and peach. On the way, we stopped to take photos with the Olympic Mountains in the background on one side of us and a view into Canada on the other side of us. We stopped for lunch on a hill not that far away from Sunrise Point but the view was spectacular so I wondered how much better the view could be from the top. For lunch mum, dad and Nathan had PB and J sandwiches and cheese, crackers, strawberries and Oreos, whereas I only had cheese, crackers, strawberries and Oreos. After lunch we made our way to Sunrise point. The view from the top was amazingly spectacular--you wouldn't even know how mind blowing and beautiful it was.

After that at 9 pm we went down to the downtown area to see the fireworks for the 4 of July ( America's Independence Day). As the fireworks exploded in the sky you could see many beautiful colours of red, white, blue, purple, gold, silver, orange, green and many more amazing colours. Over all, it was an extraordinary day full of excitement and experience. Bye--and see you next time!


Friday 6 July 2018

Mount Ellinor Trail

Hi again, I am in America for a holiday over school break. The place that I am in in America is Washington State. Two days ago me and my family went on a hike up a mountain called Mount Ellinor 
Trail. The hike is in the Olympic National Forest. We only did half of the hike though. What we did is we drove half way up the mountain and then hiked the rest of the way up. We hiked 1 and a half miles up to the top, witch was 2400 feet in elevation gain. On the way up there was snow! Lots and lots of snow!

Dad took a photo of me and my brother Nathan on a rock in the middle of a huge spot of snow.The views from half way up were spectacular so I couldn't wait to see view from the top. When ever we saw someone coming down from the top we asked them if they if they had seen any mountain goats. Everybody we asked said that they had seen them and I couldn't wait to see them my self. As we walk further up the trail the more snow we saw. Eventually we reached the spot where the mountain goats were. We saw a lot of adult goats but there was one baby goat. It was so cute and fluffy. There was a lookout near where the goats were. To get to the lookout we had to cross a giant snow field. For lunch we had cheese, crackers, strawberries and raspberries. When we got down from the rock that we had lunch on dad got trapped because the goats wanted to go on the rock that we were on. He had to wait for them to pass until he could come down. On the way to the top me mum and Nathan played " I went to the shop and I bought".... . When we got to the top we saw chipmunks and me and a goat had a starring competition. The views were amazing more than amazing not even the best of words can describe how mind blowing and beautiful it was from up there. 
                                 SNOW!!                                                        Mama and baby mountain goats

                                                              Lots and lots of snow!!

Thursday 28 June 2018

There's A Monster In My Bedroom

This is my Storybird for " There's a Monster in my Bedroom"  The way that Storybird works is that you can make poems, picture books and chapter books. Every week Koka Ngaire gives us a set task to make poem or a picture book. For the poems she gives us set words to make the poem out of. I hope you enjoy my poem. See you next time.    

Science Fair Sugar Cookies

This is my Science Fair project that I am am doing with Sarah and Adrianna. I hope you enjoy it! 

Friday 18 May 2018

Thursday 5 April 2018

Be Cyber Smart

Be Smart Online
Hi it's Miriam here, today I'm going to tell you about being cyber smart. The reason you have to be cyber smart is that if you tell somebody personal information then they can track you down. You also might not know who is reading what you write. Another thing is that if you are getting bullied by somebody online it is called cyber bullying. If this happens then tell an adult straight away. If you are a kid who want any social media apps and your mom or dad say no, it's to protect you of cyber bullying or sharing personal information. Also everything you post on social media sticks with you forever. Even if you try to hide it from people the world can still see it. That is called a digital footprint. It sticks with you forever. So BE SMART ONLINE!!! 
This is my Cyber Smart Poster

Kawa Of Care
Kawa Of Care is about taking care of your chromebook. I am here to tell you how to take care of your chromebook. At the end of the day you need to shut all of your tabs and sign out. The reason we sign out  of our chromebooks is that the next day when you go to use your chromebook is that it will take a long time to load. Also you should not eat or drink around the chromebooks. The reason you should not eat or drink around the chromebooks is that if you spill anything on it, it would make our chromebooks dirty. You also should not hold the chromebook by the screen because the screen could break away from the chromebook.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Tryout Timetables

Sign Up For Workshops 
Hi again. Today I'm going to tell you about our timetables. To fill in our timetable we need to sign up for workshops. I am guessing that you are wondering how we sign up for workshops so I am going to tell you how. The way we sign up for workshops is that on Sunday afternoon our teachers, Matua Fergus and Koka Ngaire send a google form into our mail for us to sign up with.

Organising My Timetable
On Monday mornings I sign up for my workshops then write them into my timetable. The way that I sign up for my workshops is that I go into my mail and click on a google form that my teachers sent me and choose the workshops. Now you may be wondering where I get my timetable and what I do while I am not at a workshop, well I am going to tell you the answers to those questions but first let me tell you more about my timetable. On my timetable the day is broken up into 30 minute time slots. Next to each time slot there are boxes for you to write your activities into. But before we get into how to fill in the timetables you need to find your name so that you can fill in the right boxes. Now I am going to tell you what I do when I am not in a workshop. When I am not in a workshop I do things like Quick write, Read to self, Work on writing, Work on maths and listen to reading.   These are our links to learning. We find the links to learning on the Moana Learning Hub. You can choose which things you want to do and when you do them but we have to do all of the activities at least once a week. 
Moving onto how I get to my timetable. The way I get my timetable is that I go onto the Moana Learning Hub. Then once I get onto the Moana Learning Hub I go to the home page and go to a picture that looks like a clock. I click on the clock and then it takes me to the timetable. I am now done telling you about our AWESOME timetables so see you next time.
This is what my timetable looks like.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Welcome to my blog.

Hi my name is Miriam I go to Wainui Beach School in New Zealand. This is my very first blog. I am a year 5 and my favorite thing at school is Maths. I will be sharing my learning with you this year.  Please leave me a comment or some positive feedback.