Sunday 22 July 2018

Vancouver to Coeur d'Alene

Thursday 12 July 2018
We went on a 7 mile hike called St. Marks Peak over Howe Sound. The walk was in the forest and we had to make lots of noise so that bears don't get surprised by us and try to attack. We made up three songs to the toon 'God Bless America'. This is the first song that we made up is this: God bless my underwear, my only pair, stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above, from the washer to the dryer to the clothesline bright with sun. God bless my underwear my only pair. The second one was about a banana slug that we saw along our walk: God bless banana slugs they are so cute, they are yellow, like jello, and when you cook them they taste like marshmallow. The next one we made up was about Nathan: God bless our Nathan bear my only bro stand beside him and guide him through the night with the light from above, from the shower to the towel to the iPad which he loves. God bless my Nathan bear my only bro.  When we got to the top the view was amazing--better than I expected it to be. On the way down, we stopped at a lookout. At the lookout we met some people who told us about a place called Honey and that it was famous for its donuts. So of course we went there.

Friday 13 July 2018
Today was a travel day. We went from Canada to Coeur d'Alene Idaho (the land of potatoes). Before we left that day we went to the place called Honey to get some donuts for the road. Mum ran in and got 3 chocolate, 2 glazed and 1 maple because Canada is known for its maple syrup. When we got close to the border line there was lots of traffic because lots of people were trying to cross the border as well. After we crossed the border line me and Nathan got to go on our iPads for a while. Then the roads got really windy so we stopped watching. We stopped at a lookout and then kept driving. Later that night at like 11pm Grammy's flight landed and dad brought her to the house, but we were already asleep.

Saturday 14 July 2018
We got to see Grammy! I woke up and Nathan kept asking Grammy when we could open the presents that she brought us. As soon as we were dressed she gave us the presents to unwrap--including our early birthday presents. Grammy gave me: an American Girl doll, which I named Meghan; a gymnastics leotard; some clothes; and a gymnastics leotard, tracksuit and shoes for Meghan (she also already comes with clothes on her). At about 11am we went downtown to a playground, a waterpark and the beach on a lake. We stopped to play at the waterpark and the playground so we walked around trying to find a place for lunch. For lunch, I had a all beef American hot dog and a wild berry smoothie (which was way to sweet for me.) That evening, we went to see a local production of Guys and Dolls. The main reason we went to see it was because Nathan Detroit was the main character in it and my brothers name is Nathan. When we were little, my Grandma Lybrook gave us a CD of the music from Guys and Dolls that we listened to everyday when Daddy drove us to school.

Sunday and Monday, 15-16 July 2018
We did bike rides on rail trails both days. The first day was around Lake Coeur d'Alene and the second day we road through Idaho and Montana on the Trail of the Hiawathas. My favourite one was around Lake Coeur d'Alene because we got ice-cream and got to swim in the lake. The type of ice-cream that I got was Huckleberry and Chocolate. (The two mixed together don't taste very pleasant but on their own they taste divine.)


  1. Hi Miriam, thank you so much for sharing your trip with us. There was a group of us in Moana 3 this morning who enjoyed reading that you may have bears following you and what you had to avoid an attack! We need to follow on a good map to see where you are. We are enjoying being back at school... enjoy the last part of your holiday! Koka Ngaire

  2. I'm sorry we couldn't get the photos to publish. Either way, I am so proud of you for writing about our adventures nearly every day. I treasure these memories! x


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