Thursday 19 July 2018

Cape Flattery and Macaw July 6

Hola, it's me again. I am going to tell you about what I did today. Today me and my family went on a
walk in Neah Bay which is 
the most northwestern part of the USA. When we got there, me and Nathan had to go to the toilet.
When I opened the door to the 
women's bathroom it was disgusting, absolutely awful. So I held it
in for the walk. Before we started the walk there was this 
information board that had lots of information about the walk on it. There were also sticks that the
park rangers had found and they decorated it with string and made it so that you can use them on
the walk for free. Or you can pay five dollars or more to keep the 
stick. On the way to the end of the trail, me and Nathan sang Christmas songs. When we got to a
lookout we saw a type of rare bird called Murres that nest in the cliffs. When we got to the top
we saw an island with a lighthouse on it. Apparently somebody stole the light from inside the
lighthouse so they had to buy a new light. The walk was on the Macaw Indian Reservation. After
the hike we went to their Native American museum and learned about there history. Over all it was a
fun day. 

1 comment:

  1. To Miriam
    Your trip sounds awesome the photo looks so majestical. I like the hyoma you adid in
    some sense of humor to the blog the toilet sounds disgusting I wood have done the same thing and walk away. Your post reminds me of wen I went to the north island and went to Dunedin for a week. Did you learn something new at the native american museum


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