Friday 6 July 2018

Mount Ellinor Trail

Hi again, I am in America for a holiday over school break. The place that I am in in America is Washington State. Two days ago me and my family went on a hike up a mountain called Mount Ellinor 
Trail. The hike is in the Olympic National Forest. We only did half of the hike though. What we did is we drove half way up the mountain and then hiked the rest of the way up. We hiked 1 and a half miles up to the top, witch was 2400 feet in elevation gain. On the way up there was snow! Lots and lots of snow!

Dad took a photo of me and my brother Nathan on a rock in the middle of a huge spot of snow.The views from half way up were spectacular so I couldn't wait to see view from the top. When ever we saw someone coming down from the top we asked them if they if they had seen any mountain goats. Everybody we asked said that they had seen them and I couldn't wait to see them my self. As we walk further up the trail the more snow we saw. Eventually we reached the spot where the mountain goats were. We saw a lot of adult goats but there was one baby goat. It was so cute and fluffy. There was a lookout near where the goats were. To get to the lookout we had to cross a giant snow field. For lunch we had cheese, crackers, strawberries and raspberries. When we got down from the rock that we had lunch on dad got trapped because the goats wanted to go on the rock that we were on. He had to wait for them to pass until he could come down. On the way to the top me mum and Nathan played " I went to the shop and I bought".... . When we got to the top we saw chipmunks and me and a goat had a starring competition. The views were amazing more than amazing not even the best of words can describe how mind blowing and beautiful it was from up there. 
                                 SNOW!!                                                        Mama and baby mountain goats

                                                              Lots and lots of snow!!


  1. Those chipmunks at the top were cute, but awfully bold! My favorite part was sliding down the snowfield on our rainjackets! Such a treat—and way faster and easier than hiking! xx

  2. Hi Miriam,
    It's Poppy here I loved how much information you add it really painted a picture in my head. So not fair you go to see and touch the snow before I could even see it. What could you see from up the top of Mount Ellinor?

  3. Wow Miriam, I can see you are having a great time exploring America. I am enjoying reading all about it. It is amazing that we can all share your adventures back here at WBS. Safe travels back. Regards Koka Janna (Mrs Broad)

  4. So much snow! Sounds like you are having a great time on your travels. It sounds like you had an awesome view form the top and I like the sound of the wildlife you are seeing, it would be really interesting to see a chipmunk, I have never seen one before. Who won the staring competition - you or the goat?

  5. It looks beautiful, Miriam. I always think of big cities and buildings when I think of Washington State so it was good to hear about an outdoorsy adventure. Hope the climb to the top when you were hiking wasn't too hard!
    Who won the staring competition with the goat?


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