Saturday 7 July 2018

Hoh Rainforest

Hi it's me again, I am going to tell you about what I did yesterday. Yesterday, we went to the Olympic National Rainforest. We did a couple of hikes, well they weren't really hikes, they were more like walks. We didn't do a hard hike because we needed to have a rest from the past two days of nonstop hiking. The three hikes that we did were: (1) 'The Hall of Mosses' (2) 'Ruby Beach' and (3) 'Kalaloch Beach'. Before we went on the first walk, we attended a ranger program and learned about Elk. On 'The Hall of Mosses' walk, we picked wild blueberries, wild salmonberries, wild huckleberries and wild blackberries. The Hall of Mosses had moss all over the trees. The second walk was Ruby Beach. It had huge sea stacks, tide pools with sea stars, sea anemones and mussels in them. Me, mum, Nathan and dad tried to make a bridge across a little stream on the beach. The third beach was Kalaloch Beach and we sat on the rocks and did our junior ranger booklets. Just before we were going to leave we saw a seal's head pop out from underneath the water. Then we went on a 2 minute walk to see the largest Cedar Tree in the world. Over all, it was a nice relaxing day. See you next time.

    Me on a Sea Stack                                    A Salmonberry                                    Biggest Cedar Tree



  1. So glad we explored this part of the park and attended the ranger talk. I learned that mice eat the velvet from deer and elk antlers, helping with the natural recycling process for the ‘web of life’. I also learned that sea anemones will shrink down to look like pursed fish lips if you touch the outside of them when they are exposed at low tide. Thanks for helping me explore and learn about this diverse area of the United States! x

  2. Hi Miriam! So glad that you took the time to blog on your adventures! That big tree reminds me of the one the Year 6s went to on camp... I think your one is bigger though! Does a salmonberry taste like salmon? Hope you have more exciting adventures planned... happy travels. Koka Ngaire

  3. Hi Koka Ngaire.
    To answer your question, salmonberries taste similar to raspberries but a little more sour. Also they taste better when they are a little more red. When I first heard of a salmonberry I thought that it would taste like salmon but I was far off. Thanks for the positive feed forward.


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