Saturday 7 July 2018

Sunrise Point

Hi there, I am about to tell you about the hike that I did two days ago. The hike two days ago was at the Olympic National Park near Port Angeles in Washington State, America. The name of the hike was the Switchback Trail to Kalhane Ridge and Sunrise Point. It was a magical experience for me. First we walked up the steep Switchback Trail to the mountain ridge. When we got to the ridge line some mountain goats followed us along the trail. The ridge line trail was very narrow and steep, so we had to walk single file. Then we walked along the ridge toward Sunrise Point. There were beautiful wildflowers all different colours such as pink, orange, yellow, violet, indigo, red, blue, purple, soft pink and peach. On the way, we stopped to take photos with the Olympic Mountains in the background on one side of us and a view into Canada on the other side of us. We stopped for lunch on a hill not that far away from Sunrise Point but the view was spectacular so I wondered how much better the view could be from the top. For lunch mum, dad and Nathan had PB and J sandwiches and cheese, crackers, strawberries and Oreos, whereas I only had cheese, crackers, strawberries and Oreos. After lunch we made our way to Sunrise point. The view from the top was amazingly spectacular--you wouldn't even know how mind blowing and beautiful it was.

After that at 9 pm we went down to the downtown area to see the fireworks for the 4 of July ( America's Independence Day). As the fireworks exploded in the sky you could see many beautiful colours of red, white, blue, purple, gold, silver, orange, green and many more amazing colours. Over all, it was an extraordinary day full of excitement and experience. Bye--and see you next time!


1 comment:

  1. This was one tough—but incredibly rewarding l—hike! 6 miles with the trail so steep and narrow that I had to stop before attempting to look around! No way was I making a false step and tumbling down one of those sheer drops! It was an exciting adventure—well worth it to see the glacier in the mountain from the top of Sunrise Point! x


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