Thursday 19 July 2018

Ozette Triangle July 7

Hi, today I am going to tell you about the hike that we did on today.  The today was called the Ozette Triangle. The Ozette triangle was a nine mile hike, three miles in the forest, three miles on the beach and three miles in the forest again. The hike was a easy hike it wasn't a rigorous hike, it was a nice slow easy hike. There were no up and downs it was all flat but by the end of it your legs were aching it was like they had been chopped off. The walk in the forest was very peaceful for the first five minutes and then we started talking about if we might see any wild animals and then that ruined the peacefulness of the forest. We did the three miles of the forest in about an hour and a half to two hours. When we got to the beach Nathan climbed a sea stack while me, mum and dad had our sandwiches. When Nathan got to the top dad put his sandwich down ( which was a bad idea) to take Nathan's photo from on top of the sea stack and a crow came and took dads sandwich. After that Nathan went up a second time and went down a different way and fell on his rear end but he didn't cry ( I have such a brave little brother don't I). When we were walking along the beach dad wanted us to take a photo of me, mum and Nathan with the sea in the background. After the photo I saw something move in the distance for a second I thought it was a black stone but then I realized it was a bear! We all thought that it was a cub but then I saw that it had baby bears! The cubs were so adorable! Then dad got his camera out and gave it to me so that I could zoom in on the cubs and the mama bear! When the mama bear and the cubs went into the long grass mum said this is our chance to get past. So we walked past making loud human noises and singing song that didn't sound anything like they were supposed to. As we walked past I looked over at the bears and the one of the cubs climbed half way up a tree and then slid back down again. When we got back into the forest part of the hike we past a lot of camp sites and people coming to camp over night. After the hike we went out to a camp ground and got ice cream. Over all it was a very interesting and tiring hike.



  1. What an interesting time you are having Miriam! I felt a little concerned when I read about the bears as I saw a man on TV who had disturbed a mama bear and got hurt! I am so glad you all stayed well out of harms way. It must have been awesome to see a bear in the wild.
    Thank you for sharing your travels with us. It is very interesting to read about your adventures and keep in touch with you. Ka pai!

  2. Next to seeing family, our bear close-encounter was one of my favorite experiences of our trip. I was in love with those two little fur ball cubs tumbling around on the beach! Thanks for preserving these memories I your posts! x

  3. kia ora its me agein teaurere i like the vu of the beach kakite ano


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