Thursday 25 October 2018

Granville Island Vancouver, Canada

Hi again. Yesterday we went from Forks to Canada. When we got to Canada we did a little hike and dad fell over and tore some ligaments in his ankle. Today we got dad some crutches and athletic tape. After we did that we took a little boat to an island called  Granville Island  where there were lots of shops. We went to one place where it had lots of shops inside it. Me and Nathan walked around to all the shops and trying there taste testers. When it was time for lunch we walked around to see what our options were for lunch. I couldn't choose between a spanakopita or a bagel. Everybody else was getting bagels so I got the spanakopita. Dad took me to get the spanakopita while mum and Nathan waited in the log line fore there and dad's bagels. Then we went to Kids Market. After kids market we watched somebody blow glass. Then we went to a place and I got a gelato. The two flavors that I got were mango and raspberry. Over all it was an awesome day. 

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