Thursday 15 November 2018

Cafe Day

Hi, it's Miriam here. Today I am going to share with you some writing about our Cafe Day that we hosted a couple weeks ago for the elderly of Gisborne. The main reason that we had Cafe Day was because of our last terms focus Actions Speak Louder than Words. Actions Speak Louder than Words is instead of just saying something nice to somebody you would do something nice for them like bringing them a cup of coffee or helping them across the street, pushing their trolley/shopping cart in the supermarket so that they can get around much easier or getting something off the shelf. Even just something small like giving them a hug or pulling out a chair for them so that they can sit down can change someone's day from a bad one to a fantastic one. My learning from Cafe Day was that you can do anything you want if you just put your mind to it and not give up. So without further to do I will let you read my amazing writing about cafe day I hope you enjoy it:


  1. I absolutely love your account of Cafe Day! Thanks for sharing it with us as I wasn’t able to be there myself. Reading what you wrote made me feel like I was. Well done not dropping the China! x

  2. Hi Miriam,
    Your writing was really detailed and you explained a lot about cafe day. I like how you used paragraphs and speech marks.
    I also really liked Cafe Day as well because you know at the end that you made a difference. My favourite part was when we performed the dance, What was yours?
    Overall your writing had heaps of information and was very fun to read!

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