Wednesday 22 August 2018

Action Stations Day

Last Tuesday we had a Action Station Day and tidied up the school. A action station day is when we tidy up the school and go down to the beach and pick up rubbish. In our class there were three groups and one of the groups tidied up the school, another tidied up the PE shed and another went to room 9 to mulch. My group was on the PE shed and this is what the PE shed looked like before we tideyed it:

And this is what the PE shed looked like after we tideyed it.  


  1. kia ora my name is teaurere i am 10 years ald i am a year 6 i go to kawakawa primary school and my techer is whaea toni

  2. kia ora my name is teaurere agein i like how its untidy the soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tidy

  3. Kia ora, my name is Rawiri and I am at Kawakawa Primary School. We have a PE shed at our school too, I like playing capture the flag. Can you ride the unicycle? We don't have unicycles at our school. I think they would be tricky because they only have one wheel.
    Blog you later.

  4. Nice! You guys did a great job of tidying up the PE shed. By the way, what does "PE" stand for? I'm guessing it stands for "Pelican Expansion," and the shed is where you go to expand the pelicans. Although I don't see any pelicans in the picture, so I think you may have lost them.

  5. Wow! Those before and after photos really show how much work you did! It looks fantastic! The challenge is how to keep it looking that tidy! Well done to all the Action Station Day groups in making the school and beach look so nice. Your actions speak volumes! xx


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