Thursday 8 August 2019

Basic Facts, Whoops!

Hi it's Miriam. Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately. It has been a busy couple of weeks back at school. Today I am going to tell you about last week's Basic Facts Challenge. When we found out what we were doing everybody thought that it would be simple but it was not, and I am going to tell you all about it.

Our terms inquiry topic is Hauora. Hauora means well being. We have been doing some writing about our well being. For our quick writes we had to write about our physical well being, our social well being, well being for family and friends and our spiritual well being. When our quick writes were finished we had to make a cube out of paper. Each square that makes up the cube net needed to be 8cm by 8cm. You would think that it would be easy but it was so hard to do. The part that made it hard was getting the measurements exactly right.

When we had finished the net we had to draw a picture of us on one side of it and our name one another side. Once finished there would be 4 more sides left blank. On those sides we wrote main points from each of our pieces of Hauora writing. Then we got to decorate our cubes. My cube got crushed a bit because people decided to put there books/chromebooks on top of it. It is much harder than it looks.

Have a try!

Here are our finished products:

1 comment:

  1. What a super cool project you got to do! Is this related at all to the Mother’s Day boxes you made? Also, what was the connection between making a cube and Hauora? Or was it a separate project all together? I’d love to read your hauora quick writes when you have the opportunity to share them. xx


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