Tuesday 20 August 2019

Go KARORO! Cross Country!

Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to tell you about our first school Cross Country in our houses. Cross Country is where we run on the sand-dunes along the beach. If you place within the top five runners then you get to go to interschools. Interschools is at the fairgrounds. A couple years ago there used to be obstacles that you had to go over in interschools. Now all you have to do is jump over 1 tiny fence. It is disappointing.

Josefa in front and Sarah close behind!
At the beginning of this year we got our school houses. We have done one school event in our houses. The color of the houses are Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Even though we have had our houses for a while it was still a challenge remembering who was in your house. I am in Red/Karoro! If you came in the top five than you would get points for your house. When we started it was really cold, but when we were on our second lap then you would feel the heat.

I am a year 6 so we had to run 2 big laps of the course. Each lap is 1 kilometer so we had to run 2 kilometers. Every single year Kya always comes 3rd and I come 4th. And it was the same this year. Josefa came 1st, Sarah came 2d, Kya came 3rd, I came 4th and Ruby came 5th. It was a tough race! I am just glad that it is over.

Before School Today:
"I am so nervous for Cross Country."

After Cross Country Today:
"I am so happy that I am finished with that. I am so tired!"

Just look at that beautiful scenery!

Blog you later!

1 comment:

  1. You are so amazing—coming in 4th place! It’s great that the entire school does it and that the students are so supportive of one another—congratulating those who may have beaten our time and cheering for those who might not love the sport, but are putting forth their best effort anyway. xx


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