Friday 5 July 2019

Term 2 Fun

Hi, it's Miriam and today I am going to tell you about what we have been doing this term. This terms topic is retro tech. We have been doing lots of thing to do with olden day technology. We have also been learning about Matariki. My maths group has been doing this thing called Auckland Island.

For retro tech we have been to 3 different museums to learn about olden day technology and try to figure out what our object is. The first museum trip that we went on is the trip where we went to the Local Museum and the Electrical Museum. The cool thing about the trip was that at the Local Museum we learnt about olden tech and at the Electric Museum we learnt about new technology. I enjoyed comparing the olden day stuff with stuff that is in the present. I liked learning how technology has changed over the years. The second trip that we went on was to the East Coast Museum of Technology. We had borrowed most of the retro tech items from the Museum and were very excited to go there. At the Museum it had all different types of retro tech dating back to the 1700. I liked how we got to see olden day computers, phones, water pumps, wheelchairs, scanning machines and much more stuff that people would of used back in the day.

For maths we have been doing this thing called Auckland Island. Auckland Island is where we have to answer a series of questions and then create a way to display it around the class. After each question we answered we had to complete a challenge about the question. Some questions were easy and others were really hard. There were road tips and maths tips. Road tips were where our teacher will give us clues about the history or some information on the topic. Maths tips are when the teacher gives us some maths equations that will help us solve the question. All of the questions that we are given have something to do with Auckland Island. All of the
 people in my maths group are year 6 including me. The Auckland Islands task was made for year 8,9,10 and 11 students. We only found this out at the end of the task. That explained why it was quite tricky. I chose to display my working in a Google My Maps.

This week we have focusing on Matariki. We had to do at least 4 activities that relate to Matariki and then on Friday we have to bring in a dish for shared morning tea. I completed a digital breakout, a feather for a cloak, a book about Matariki, a poem about Matariki and a dish for shared morning tea. I learnt a lot about Matariki and the stars. I learnt what the star names mean and that there are 500 hundred stars in the cluster but you can only see 7 of them. I like that we do the Matariki Makarena.


  1. That was one packed term! Your teachers must be working like crazy to make this learning possible! I know how hard you work to take in all that learning—imagine the work it takes to organize it! Kudos to you and your teachers!

  2. Hi, Miriam
    That is one big packed term Miriam. I like the way you had put lots of event in your work. I love how you put a cool title in your writing. I think you did a amazing job by explaining want you did in term 2.You did amazing writing. you did a great job Miriam.


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