Thursday 16 May 2019

Increible Electric Village

Hi it's Miriam again and today I am going to tell you about our trip to Electric Village.
Now when I say our trip I mean the Moana Learning Hub. We went there on Thursday the 9th May for a field trip.

The reason we went to Electric Village was because we were learning about Retro Tech or Olden day Technology. Now you are probably wondering why we went to a place like Electric Village where you learn about new technology, if we were on a trip to learn about old technology. Well we also went to the local Museum and there we learnt about old technology. For me going to both of the museums was very interesting because I got to see how the technology changed over the years.

At Electric Village we learnt how electricity was made. There are many different ways that you can make electricity and there are many different sources that you can make it out of. Here are some different things you can make electricity with:

Solar Panels
Smoke Stacks
Wind Turbines


  1. HI Miriam, wow you have learnt a lot about technology from the present and past! I love how you have put a lot of depth into your writing and presented the photos to back it up! What learning have you been doing back at school from this visit? I might take my class there! Great stuff.

  2. Great recap to a great trip. Thanks for letting me be accompany your class. My favourite part of the visit to the Electric Village was seeing the photograph of the Mayor of Gisborne with Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lightbulb, and hearing the story of his visit to the US where he met Edison, purchased electric car (presumably from him), and brought it back to NZ. That is pretty cool!


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