Friday 24 May 2019

The Magnificent Snomanatron

Hi it's Miriam again, today I am going to tell you about the Snowmanatron. In my writing group we were looking and different pieces of explanation text and deciding what year we thought each piece was written based on the text. Then we had to read each one aloud in our group and Koka Terri (my teacher for writing) would tell us what year that piece of writing was and why it was that year.

The next week we looked at a Wallace and Gromit episode about the Snowmanatron. The Snowmanatron is a vehicle like a snow plow that scoops up snow and produces a snow man. We watched through the video a couple times and then we got asked to draw a labeled diagram of the Snowmanatron. Once I had finished drawing the diagram I began to write down what each lever and bolt was on the Snowmanatron and what it was used for. I have to admit that my drawing wasn't the best drawing ever and my diagram wasn't the best diagram ever but I was pretty proud of my self.

Then we got into writing. First we wrote steps on what to do and how to make it work. Then we brainstormed what we would say in our explanation text. I took a long time to do my brainstorm and diagram because I wanted to make sure that everything as accurate as possible for my explanation writing on the Snowmanatron. We only just started writing our explanation text so all of my writing group are only on our introduction. I want to make this writing the best I have done.

Here is my labeled diagram of the Snowmanatron:

1 comment:

  1. Now you know what it takes to be a technical writer! Writing directions, computer programs, and instructions require a precise order and clear writing to make them easy to follow with successful results. Next time we are at Whakapapa, we’ll see if we can put your Snowmanatron together to make it work! Or maybe we could make a Snowdogatron!


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