Thursday 11 April 2019

How to Blog on your Blog

Hi it's Miriam again and today I am going to teach you how to make a quality blog post. A quality blog post is a post that tells someone about your learning, has a catchy title, makes sense, has capital letters, full stops and has paragraphs.

So to make your blog awesome you have to:

- Have a catchy title
- Make your writing clear and easy to read
- Make sure that it is interesting to keep your reader interested
- Have all the information that your reader will need
- Add extra information that is related to what you are writing about
- Check your spelling to make sure there are no typos
- Make sure you have punctuation in the appropriate places
- Have a buddy check your writing before you post
- Have 1-2 paragraphs explaining your learning
- Explain what you found hard and what you thought was easy
- Add labels to your blog post
- Have a digital interest added onto your post
- Construct Your post so that it is interesting to look at
- And last of all preview your post to see what it would look like on your blog.

I hope you enjoy my example of a quality blog post. I circled the description that of each criteria that best describes my blog post.

Blog you later!

1 comment:

  1. Nice touch incorporating the slide graphic into your blog post. I like how you draw attention to the areas you illustrate in your writing. xx


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