Thursday 20 June 2019

Winter Solstice

Hi it's Miriam today I am going to share with you some learning that we did at school around the shortest day of the year (the winter solstice) and the longest day of the year (the summer solstice.) In school we have been learning about some prehistoric landmarks that have a lot to do with the Winter Solstice.

 For our quick writes this week we have to write and information report on Stonehenge and create a Google my maps about Stonehenge, Newgrange and Maeshowe. Stonehenge is a prehistoric landmark in Salisbury, England. It was a burial ground as well as a place where you went if you wanted to be healed. Newgrange is in Ireland. It is much older than Stonehenge. It was built around 3,200 BC. Maeshowe is a passage grave in Scotland. It was built around 3,800 BC.

I found out that to build some of these great landmarks people had to build rafts to carry their supplies down fivers and then carry them across land by oxen or horses. This is my information report about Stonehenge:

Here is my link to my Google My Maps.

Blog you later.

Friday 14 June 2019

Fa'afaite i te Ao Maohi

Hi it's Miriam, Today I am going to show you a video that Rosie and I made for our reading presentation. The task we got given for reading was: we got assigned a boat to research about and then do a screencastify of only photos and talk about what we found out about our boat. The boat that me and Rosie got assigned is the Faafaite i te Ao Maohi. It is one of the boats that will be taking part in the Tui 250 boat sail in October.

My teacher for reading is Koka Ngaire and she provided information about each boat on a google slide. The information that she provided for our boat was useful but we had to translate some of it into english so we could understand it. We learnt how the Polynesian settlers traveled to NZ. Also we got to go out on one of the Waka that is in gisborne at the moment. Well the other people in my reading group did, I had to go to Fast 5 Netball Tournament. Our boat has a Samoan name so me and Rosie had a hard time pronouncing the name so we might not be saying it correctly.

Here is the video that me and Rosie made hpe you enjoy:

Blog you later!