Thursday 11 April 2019

How to Blog on your Blog

Hi it's Miriam again and today I am going to teach you how to make a quality blog post. A quality blog post is a post that tells someone about your learning, has a catchy title, makes sense, has capital letters, full stops and has paragraphs.

So to make your blog awesome you have to:

- Have a catchy title
- Make your writing clear and easy to read
- Make sure that it is interesting to keep your reader interested
- Have all the information that your reader will need
- Add extra information that is related to what you are writing about
- Check your spelling to make sure there are no typos
- Make sure you have punctuation in the appropriate places
- Have a buddy check your writing before you post
- Have 1-2 paragraphs explaining your learning
- Explain what you found hard and what you thought was easy
- Add labels to your blog post
- Have a digital interest added onto your post
- Construct Your post so that it is interesting to look at
- And last of all preview your post to see what it would look like on your blog.

I hope you enjoy my example of a quality blog post. I circled the description that of each criteria that best describes my blog post.

Blog you later!

Friday 5 April 2019

Super 6 Sentince Stories

Hi it's Miriam here and I am going to share with you my six sentence story I created for writing.

 So basically what a six sentence story is a story with only six sentence s in it. In those six sentences you need to describe the character, say what it's problem is and then write how he solved it. Sounds simple right but it actually is quite hard. So this is my six sentence story:

Once upon a time, there live a strong and brave young man. He lived on a street in the outskirts of a remote town in New Zealand. He was a teacher at a school near the beach and at lunch time on nice days he was allowed to go surfing. But one day the school shortened there lunchtime to 10min and he wasn't able to go surfing. He was worried because if he did not go for a surf each day then he would turn into a big ugly crab! One day he came up with an idea, he programmed the lunch bell to ring at 1:50 instead of 1:10, so he was able to go for a surf again at lunch time and he lived happily ever after.

Here is a picture of the grid that we used to write outcry six sentence stories: