Wednesday 27 March 2019

Amazing Exponents

Hi it's Miriam again,

Today I am going to share with you a poster that Caitlyn and I made on Exponents. The poster is meant to explain what exponents are and how to figure out how to solve them. Here I will explain an exponent to you.

Say you have 5 with a small 2 at the top right hand corner. The 2 tells you how many times you multiply that number by itself. But what if that number is a 4? If that number was a 4 than you would do 5x5=25 and then you would times 25x5 which equals 125 and then since there was a 4 at the top we need to multiply 125 by 5 one more time, and that gives us the answer of 625.

If you still don't understand then have a look at our poster and if you still don't understand after you looked at the poster than please leave me a comment and I will try to answer as soon as possible.                       

Blog You Later!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Well done, ladies! Do you remember in Mr. Shand’s class when we talked about root words—where some words come from? Exponent comes from the Latin word exponere, which means “put forth”—and the word exponere came from a combination of two Latin root words: “ex” meaning “out of” and the verb “ponere” meaning “to put” or “to place”.

    So, when we use exponents, we are putting that number forth many times—or multiplying it by its own number multiple times!

    Wow, you have exponentially increased your knowledge in both mathematics and vocabulary just now! So, is that learning put forth twice—or learning to the power of 2? ;o)

    I love you and your learning!


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