Wednesday 22 August 2018

Action Stations Day

Last Tuesday we had a Action Station Day and tidied up the school. A action station day is when we tidy up the school and go down to the beach and pick up rubbish. In our class there were three groups and one of the groups tidied up the school, another tidied up the PE shed and another went to room 9 to mulch. My group was on the PE shed and this is what the PE shed looked like before we tideyed it:

And this is what the PE shed looked like after we tideyed it.  

Saturday 4 August 2018

I had trouble posting from overseas so my dad compiled the rest of my vacation posts into this single one.

July 10 2018 - Science World Museum

Today, I went to the Kids Science Museum in Vancouver. We spent all day there until nearly eight pm. My favorite part was a movie about pandas. It was called pandas. The movie was about some people trying to save giant pandas all over the world. I also liked the Pixar exhibit which shows you how animated movies are made.  For lunch I had a hotdog and some lemonade.

July 11, 2018 - Suspension Bridge Park and Bike Ride in Stanley Park
Today we went to the Suspension Bridge Park and went on a bike ride in Stanley Park. My favourite part was when we got ice cream in Stanley Park. On the suspension bridge we walked on big bridges that went from tree to tree up high in the air. Me and Nathan filled out a worksheet and then got a clip to pin onto our shirts. I got a pin with ladybugs on it and Nathan of one with ants. Did you know that the USA uses the most water per day in the world, Canada uses the second most amount of water per day. They use twice the amount of water as Europe. Also did you know that only 1% of the water in the whole entire world is drinkable. We saw some rescue birds that are being rehabilitated to work on farms, to eat insects, chase mice and other rodents out of the farming area. We saw an owl named Lucy and two different types of falcons that we don't know the names of. We watched as they switched handlers and her massive, but elegant wings flapped, she became more 'talkative' and alert hoping for food, and started biting the gloves of the handlers.  The main suspension bridge connecting the two sides of the canyon was constructed so well that it could hold the equivalent weight  of 96 elephants and its length was the size of two 747 airplanes side by side from wingtip to wingtip. 

July 17

Hi again. Today we went on a 9 mile hike in Idaho called West Fork Peak.  At first we couldn't find the trail so I suggested that we go to the amusement park Silverwood today and do the hike tomorrow. But dad said that we were going to do the hike today. We decided to stop at a house and ask them if they knew where the trail was. While dad was talking to one of the men, me and mum were playing with the puppies and Grammy and Nathan were in the car. When we finally got to the hike it was an hour later than we wanted to of started it. When we were really close to the top of the hike me and mum heard a sort of growling noise we thought that it was a bear but it was actually a humming bird with a very low pitched hum that sound like a growl. The views from the top were amazing. On one side you could see the beautiful mountain range and on the other side you could see more beautiful mountains. Over all the views were worth the long hot walk up.

View from Top of West Fork Peak

Coeur d'Alene July 18

Hi. Today we went to an amusement park called Silverwood. The first ride that I did was with dad and Grammy it was called the Panic Plunge. The Panic Plunge is when they strap you into a seat and then they bring you up really high in the air and then all of a second they drop you straight down at a really high speed and your stomach gets left at the top of the ride. The second ride that we did was the was the Timber Terror.

25 July Boise Idaho (ID)

Today me Nathan and dad went on a float ride which is when you sit in a tube, a raft, a kayak or any floatable object and float down a stream or river and have the water take you down it. Dad and Nathan rented a two person kayak and I rented a tube. When we got on the river I couldn’t control where I was going so I kept floating away from Dad and Nathan. As soon as we got close to the first drop (which is a little drop in the water) Dad tied one end of the rope he had brought to my tube and the other one to the kayak. The drops look scary but they are not that bad. Before we left the person rented us the tube and the kayak said that when we get to a drop that we need to go in the middle of the river. So we went in the middle of the river and it was good that we did that because on right hand side there were sticks and stones but on the left we would of been fine but it’s always better safe then sorry. At some parts of the river it was really deep but in other parts it was really shallow (at one point it was so shallow that we had to drag our our floats behind us.) When we came to a bridge we saw teenage kids jumping of of it into the water. The water was about 50 degrees but outside the water it was over 100. When we got to the end we saw Mum standing on the bridge waiting. After we returned the rafts and changed out of our bathing suits we went to get ice cream at Ben and Jerrys. The ice cream that I got Chocolate Therapy with is: Chocolate ice cream with chocolate cookies and swirls of chocolate pudding ice cream. I also got Phish Food with is: Chocolate ice cream with gooey marshmallow  swirls, caramel swirls and fudge fish. After that Uncle CC (Uncle Christian) and Grandpa came over for dinner. Over all it was a fun day.   

July 26 Boise Idaho (ID)

Today we went on a white water rafting trip in Horseshoe Bend with Uncle CC (Uncle Christian). The original trip was canceled due to wild fires but the white water rafting people made up a new trip that was also a 5 hour rafting trip. Before we got into the water every group was assigned a rafting guide. When all the groups where with their rafting guides we got to chose the guide that we wanted to go with. The rafting guide that we chose was named Tanner. The first half of the trip was more like a float and there was only one class three rapid all the rest were twos and ones. After the first half we brought our rafts up onto a trailer and rode back bin a bus to the place where we started for lunch (the lunch was provided by the company and it was really good.) After lunch we drove up river to get to the next half on the rafting trip. The next half of the rafting trip was mostly class twos and threes. One of the the class two rapids was called Fluffy White Bunny Rabbits. One class there was called stay to the left or your fired and another class three rapid was called AMF (Adios My Friend.) I got to name one of the class two rapids and I named it The Summer of destiny. After the rafting trip we went out to dinner with Grandpa and Uncle CC (Uncle Christian). Over all it was a fun day.