Friday 30 October 2020

Practice, Practice, Business Cards!


Hi, it's Miriam and this is what we did at PREP this week. Today we practised a lot but also had a lot of fun. Today we finally decided on what our business card is going to be.

Today when we practiced the play, our teacher Mr. Sparks had us focus on staying in charecter. He also had us work on our slow motion. Our slow motion was for a fight scene in our play. It is based around people blaming other people about who's fault it is that the wedding went wrong.

 Since I am the Happy Caterer I get to through something in my fighting partners face! I'm really excited about that. My buddy and I worked really hard on our minny fight because we were finding it challenging to balance in slow motion. 

After lunch we work with our other teacher Mr. Allen on writing our blog post and creating advertisements for our play. Today as soon as we finished one run through of our play Mr. Allen had us walk around and look at each other's business card proposals. 

After we looked at all of them we had to vote for the business card that we liked the best. Once we had our business card we also had to vote on the logo that we liked the best. I voted for the most colorful and happy logo so people were captured by its appearance.

 Then we had 2 more tasks. The first one was to create a poster that we would vote on next week. The other task was to write a blog post about what we did today. So that's what I'm doing now. I want some people's opinion on my poster, so here it is.

Blog you later,


Friday 23 October 2020

PREP Play! We Got Our Roles!


Hi again, it's Miriam and today we had another day of PREP. I had so much fun going throughout the play over and over again. One of the reasons I enjoyed PREP a lot today was because today we got our roles for the play. Even though these roles are not set in stone I was very happy to know that the teacher thought I was good enough to have a good role. As well as getting our roles we focused a lot on working together as a team and staying in charecter. 

At the beginning of the day we got into a circle and worked on a really hard teamwork game. The game was aimed to help teammates understand how other people in their group work and kind of help people feel their other teammates rhythm of work. How the game worked was however many people there were we would have to reach that number by going from 1 to however many people there were. The only problem with that is we aren't allowed to communicate who is going to say the number next so we had to wait until someone has already said a number to day the next one. Everytime that more than one person said the same number we had to start form one again.

After we did that Mr. Sparks, our drama teacher, told us where we were going to stand on the stage and what role we are going to be. My role is the Mexican Caterer who crashes his truck into the sea so there is no food. My character's name is Jose and he has to speak with a Spanish accent. Since I have a very vivid American accent it is very hard for me to sound Mexican but I will keep on practicing over the hollidays.

Thank you for reading my post. 

Blog you later,


Tuesday 22 September 2020

Campion College PREP!


Hi I’m Miriam and I am currently am attending Campion College in Gisborne, New Zealand. 

Normally we have impact projects on a Friday each trimester but since this trimester is shorter than the other trimesters we are doing something called PREP. PREP is when we create something that people can buy or watch. Each group of people creates something to sell and with the money that we make from selling our items we donate it to the Saint Vincent De Paul Charity. 

This trimester for PREP I have joined a drama group and we are putting together a play that people can buy tickets to watch. This Friday we saw the script for the very first time and discussed how we should behave. Our teacher Mr. Sparks explained to us that we have to behave like professional paid actors so we decided on a contract that we all have to sign. I think that the contract was a very good idea because it shows us how we need to behave during our PREP time.

While we were looking at the script for the first time we were also figuring out how we were going to set up the stage and what we were going to call our drama group. We set up our stage with 4 big boxes at the back against the wall. Then we put a (slightly lower) small blue rectangular box in the middle of the beginning of the 4 boxes. Next we put 2 sets of steps on the sides of the big boxes. The rest of us put several seats around the stage set up. After that was done we passed around a small piece of paper with a bunch of names on it. Each person would tick the name that they wanted and the name with the most ticks would be the name of our drama group.

Later on in the day we talked about everything that we needed for our play to work. We talked about things like costumes, floats, seating, props and much more. We also talked about how we needed to find a specific group of people to target. Everyone decided that our main target for the people who we want to watch out play was our parents and fellow students.

Thank you for reading my blog. I post stuff every week about PREP,
