Tuesday 3 December 2019

Term 4 Summary Blog Post ( All about Term 4! )

Hi, it's Miriam and today I am here to tell you about what we have been doing in Term 4. Term 4 has been a busy term. We have done Athletics, Kapa Haka Festival, Orientation Day, Olympic Pools just to name a few. Those are just a few of the things I will tell you about.

At the beginning of this term we started training for our School athletics. Athletics at schools in Gisborne consists of High Jump, Long Jump, Ball Throw and Sprints. Some kids at our school take athletics seriously and some don't. I personally like to try to do well in it. During the first 3ish weeks of term we practiced a lot it was almost every day that you could see our school out on the field or reserve seeing who could throw the farthest or jump the highest. 

Finally the day came and everybody was nervous or scared. As soon as I finished a race I would dread my next race or field event. Our athletics took place on Wednesday in Week 4 Term 4. During my first 100 meter sprint race I rolled my ankle half way down the track which put me back to 4th place. Half of me wanted to make it into the finals and the other half of me didn't. I was sad that I didn't come a placing but I guess that that was what happened and I had to deal with it. 

Kapa Haka Festival
We had been practicing all year for the Turanganui Kapa Haka festival. Koka Terri one of my teachers and the Kapa Haka teacher had been preparing us for this day for what seemed like forever. I had endured a year of Kapa Haka so I felt prepared for the big day. I came to school with my black shorts already on, got changed into my dress and went to the Hall to get my Moko done. I had to put on special earrings and it was a struggle to take my other ones out. 

When we arrived at the Festival the front row put on their piupiu. Next we walked into the waiting area where we waited until it was our turn to perform. When we got onto the stage I felt my nerves kick in. I didn't even know why I was nervous because I wasn't scared. When we started to takahia our Puipui sawed and made a pretty noise. After our performance was done I felt that we had done a great done. 

Orientation Day
On Tuesday of Week 7 all the year 6 kids went to visit their Intermediate Schools that they are going to next year. The Intermediate School that I am going to is Campion College. Campion is a Catholic school and I am Jewish so I was a bit awkward going into their Church. We started off the day by doing a scavenger hunt around the school learning where all the different buildings are and what they are used for. After the scavenger hunt we broke up into to two groups, one going into the science lab to do science and the other into the art room to do some art. 

In the Science lab we learnt which metals create a reaction to water and which metals make a reaction with acid. Then we saw some unborn baby piglets whos mom died before they were borne, a vertebrae of a whale and the skull of a sheep. At the art room we got into groups of 5 or 6 and each folded a piece of paper into 3rds. Then we get given a theme and we have to draw a head in the first 3rd that relates to the theme that we were given. Next we draw the neck lines into the second 3rd so that the next person in front of behind you can draw the body. You would keep passing along the pieces of paper until there was a head, body and feet. For lunch we had sausages and next we went into the church and then went back to school. 

Olympic Pools
On Thursday Week 7 of Term 4 all the road patrollers that did patrols this year went on the road patrol reward day at the Olympic Pools. We left at 9:15am and got back at 3:00pm. We got a free hydroslide pass and free food for lunch. As soon as we got to the Pools we put our bags down under the shade and waited with the other schools to find out which school got the road patrol award this year. The winner was Te Wharau school. After that we were allowed to go and play in the pools. The first thing that I did when we got to go play was go down the hydroslide. 

Then I went to the diving boards and with my friends and we did front flips of them. One of my friends Sophie did a back tuck off on the low one. When we got to cold in the outdoor pools we would go to the indoor one. Before we knew it it was time for lunch. Lunch was pizza, garlic bread and french fries. After lunch we were aloud to go out and play for a couple more hours before getting changed and and leaving for school. Overall this was definitely my favorite experience this term.

Sorry that I do not have photos for all of the events. I wish I did so I could show you all the fun we had this term. Blog you later!