Thursday 21 November 2019

Turanganui Kapa Haka Festival!

Hi, it's Miriam. Sorry I have not posted anything in a long time. Turanganui Kapa Haka Festival! Our class has been very busey, as it is Term 4 the last term of the year. Yesterday, the 20th of November Nui Syndicate performed our Kapa Haka bracket at the Turanganui Haka Haka Festival. Waiting for us to go on stage was the scariest part. Well I wasn't scared to perform I just wanted to get it over and done with. We had been practising all year and I could tell that we were ready. I had been moved to the front row so I got to wear a Piupiu. A Piupiu is a skirt made out of strands of Karakiki flax. When you move the skirt sways with you and it looks magnificent. 

We march onto the stage and wait for the guitar to start playing our first waiata. "Tu mai ra" sung Hunter, one of the Kea. As he sung we all stepped forward and formed a triangle shape. When Hunter stopped singing the boys all knelt down and we sang our school song together. When we would takahia our piupiu would sway. After "Tu Mai Ra" we sang some more songs then we did "Utaina". "Utaina" was our transition song were the boys went to the front and the girls went to the back. When we did the transition the boys were chanting the haka and the girls were singing the song. When we mixed the haka with the melody the sound that we made was beautiful. Next the boys did the haka and the girls chant along with them. I could tell that the haka scared some little kids because they ran to their parents. 

Our ending song was "He Honore". While we were singing it some of the Wai Syndicate started to sing along quietly. As the last couple of rows left the stage only the front row was left we sung the last line of "He Honore" the audience started clapping and cheering like crazy. As soon as we left the hall I thought that we had done a great job. Hopefully the teachers thought that too. But if I am going to be honest with you I do not realy want to be in the Mass Kapa Haka performance. (The mass performance is when lots of schools get together and sing the same songs, at the same time and in the same place.) The reason why I do not want to do the Mass Kapa Haka performance is because I don't want to do it again.

Us Singing Tu Mai Ra 
Singing Haramai a Paoa 

Dancing and singing to Kapiopio 

Girls doing the Poi to Pureanai

Before the Transition singing Utaina
Thanks for Reading, Blog you Later!