Sunday 10 February 2019

Marvelous Ruapehu

Hi it's Miriam again, I hope you have hade a wonderful holiday over the summer? I know I have. 

Today I am going to tell you about my little holiday this week. Yesterday morning Mom, Dad, Nathan, Grammy and I drove from Taupo to Mount Ruapehu and settled down in the cozy hut that we were members of on the mountain. That night we watched the magical moments of the sun setting over the world. Mom took some photos of the the family and Dad didn't think that I was responsible enough to take photos with his high-tech camera. My Favorite photo is the one of me kissing Grammy on the cheek what is yours? 

Today we did the Tongariro Crossing up to the South Crater, which isn't actually a crater it is glacier valley surrounded by volcanoes which was formed 3,000 years ago. The valley was more like a large flat surface of very sharp volcanic stone that got spewed out of one of the volcanoes during an eruption. On the South Crater we could see people climbing Ngarahoe the volcanoe next to Tongariro.  On the top of the South Crater we saw some beautiful flowers called Gentiana. These are some of the photos that we took from on top of the Southern Crater and the photos from last night: