Tuesday 20 March 2018

Tryout Timetables

Sign Up For Workshops 
Hi again. Today I'm going to tell you about our timetables. To fill in our timetable we need to sign up for workshops. I am guessing that you are wondering how we sign up for workshops so I am going to tell you how. The way we sign up for workshops is that on Sunday afternoon our teachers, Matua Fergus and Koka Ngaire send a google form into our mail for us to sign up with.

Organising My Timetable
On Monday mornings I sign up for my workshops then write them into my timetable. The way that I sign up for my workshops is that I go into my mail and click on a google form that my teachers sent me and choose the workshops. Now you may be wondering where I get my timetable and what I do while I am not at a workshop, well I am going to tell you the answers to those questions but first let me tell you more about my timetable. On my timetable the day is broken up into 30 minute time slots. Next to each time slot there are boxes for you to write your activities into. But before we get into how to fill in the timetables you need to find your name so that you can fill in the right boxes. Now I am going to tell you what I do when I am not in a workshop. When I am not in a workshop I do things like Quick write, Read to self, Work on writing, Work on maths and listen to reading.   These are our links to learning. We find the links to learning on the Moana Learning Hub. You can choose which things you want to do and when you do them but we have to do all of the activities at least once a week. 
Moving onto how I get to my timetable. The way I get my timetable is that I go onto the Moana Learning Hub. Then once I get onto the Moana Learning Hub I go to the home page and go to a picture that looks like a clock. I click on the clock and then it takes me to the timetable. I am now done telling you about our AWESOME timetables so see you next time.
This is what my timetable looks like.